Wednesday, April 23, 2008

if i know, you are reading this blog then i write in my bad english.

thing are going well i feel less bloated,
the pollen doesn't let me sleep very well and i keep dreaming about this ghetto gangs chasing my golden snikers, i am afraid of wearing them jet.

the cat is still fat, she makes me sniff with the whiskers on my face wile i sleep, she hates when i sniff, she runs away and does that funny movement with the mouth, she smells like a person sometimes.

Elisa is obses with the carrot juice every morning wish makes me really happy and healthy, she now is talking about a blender that will make wonderful delights over the summer, i'm happy she is here, i don't like to be alone, so what?

did you knew i write?, if you were able to read me in Spanish talvez things wont be so difficult. talvez you will understand much better, because i get you, i get your point.
this is not a letter for you this is more like a letter for you to tell him about.
or don't tell him anything, he might not understand. keep it for yourself.

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